1—Meet Tim Murphy, host, Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers Podcast
In addition to operating Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers , where he seeks out and interview Edina & Southwest Minneapolis’s brightest minds. Business owners. Entrepreneurs and community leaders. Tim operates a successful real estate business where he shows homeowners how to extract up to $30,000 or more of additional profit, through what he calls “The Warren Buffett Approach To Sell Real Estate” — Murph is a leader in the Edina & Southwest Minneapolis business community as well.
If you know of a local expert you believe Tim should interview, please let him know: Tim@Edina-SWMplsAdviceGivers.com. Or, if you’re a local expert yourself and believe you could contribute to the Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers’ community, also, don’t hesitate to reach out. Tim is in-search of the brightest minds in Edina & Southwest Minneapolis, and would welcome the chance to speak with you. Also, as a thank you for visiting Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers, you’re invited to request a free copy of Tim’s book: The Warren Buffett Approach To Sell Real Estate: A practical guide to protect yourself from REAL ESTATE GREED & bank an extra $30,000 of profit by taking a VALUE-DRIVEN APPROACH.
2—Use the “search” function on the site to find content that interests you.
If you’re unable to find what you’re looking for. Please let us know, we will do our very best to find someone to interview on that topic. This site is a labor of love. Keyword being “labor.” There is no large team here, behind the scenes, just a committed entrepreneur with a real passion for learning from, and sharing the knowledge and stories of others. As I am aware, with time, and as more interviews are posted, the more valuable this site will potentially be to you and others. So I will continue to work, and post new content here and interviews as they are created.
3—Want to be a Contributor to Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers? Do you have valuable information to share?
If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur or a leader in our community, we know you have something important to say. Maybe it’s a story about a problem you solved for a client or member of your organization, or perhaps it’s an opinion or perspective about an important industry topic. Perhaps you have hints, tips, advice and wisdom for your colleagues or the consumer. Or maybe you’re an expert about a specific niche topic? i.e. “How quilting can be a solution for depression.”
Whatever you have to say, we want you to share it with our readers. Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers is a platform committed to telling the stories of Edina & Southwest Minneapolis’s most insightful advice givers. We’re energetic and diverse, and we’re launching a huge initiative that will bring stories, opinions, tips and more… from the best and brightest voices in our community today. And your voice will only make our content that much more intelligent and rich.
- Who’s qualified to write? First off, if you’re a writer or have written for the purpose of sharing information. Then you know, no one qualifies you. You just decide. Most of us one day just pick up a pen, and we begin to write. If you have something to say, that is important and can help people, then there’s a good chance that you would make an excellent Contributor to Edina-SW Mpls Advice Givers.
- How often should you write? We’re looking for contributors who are interested in writing one to two posts each month. We believe that’s the frequency that will help you gain a following. If your information proves to be of great value to Edina & Southwest Minneapolis residents, though, there may be an opportunity for you to publish more frequently.
- What should you write about? Don’t overthink this! You’re an idea person, and Edina & Southwest Minneapolis residents can benefit from those ideas. We can help you develop your story topics and offer feedback, and help throughout the process, but the secret to getting started is to just get something on paper. Again, you are an idea person. If you’re not a writer or don’t have a lot of confidence in your writing, don’t let that stop you. Once your idea is on paper. The “writing” can always be “edited and polished” before its final approval to publish.
- How long should the articles be? Not too short and not too long. We’re looking for pieces between 400 and 800 words — and if you want to go longer, talk to us; we can discuss how to best present your idea.
- What if writing makes me nervous? Can I submit a video instead? Absolutely! But please make sure that your videos are in a format that can be uploaded to YouTube. Also, like the written articles, please be specific, to the point, and have decent sound and video quality. We are after the value of your ideas. Not your ability as a film editor. But good quality videos reflect well on you and your ideas, and of course, us. 🙂
We can’t wait to show the world what you have to offer! Those ideas in your head. They can help people! To ask questions or to get started, email us at: